Toy "Set of board games TechnoK"

What can distract children from the television or other gadgets on a stormy evening? Undoubtedly, only something more interesting, exciting, and engaging. TechnoK presents: a set of 7 board games for children aged 5 and older - the perfect way to have fun and be productive together with friends and family. It also promotes strengthening family and friendly bonds, creating an atmosphere of fun and harmony. The set is designed for a group of 2, 3, or 4 participants. The centerpiece of the set is a plastic table, 27 centimeters high, with two convenient compartments for storing game pieces. The table has a classic design and is easy to assemble and transport. The set includes:


Chess and checkers - classic games that teach a child to think strategically, analyze situations, and anticipate the consequences of their moves. Perhaps, for someone, playing chess with friends will be the first step towards the world chess crown.

Ludo - a colorful game that entertains and teaches a child to count, roll the dice, and follow the rules.

"Hopscotch" - a game of speed and agility in which you need to move your pieces, avoiding obstacles and trying to be the first to reach the finish line.

Snakes and Ladders - a game of luck and chance in which you need to climb ladders and descend on snakes to reach the finish line.

Chinese chess - an intriguing alternative to classic chess, a game of logic and tactical thinking.

Children's dominoes - a game that develops counting skills, promotes teamwork, and concentration.


TechnoK board game set, art. 9604, not only entertains but also contributes to the development of various aspects of a child's personality. By playing these games, children learn to make strategic decisions independently, develop observation skills, logic, and critical thinking, and also socialize since they can play together with friends and family. After the game is over, all the game pieces and even the table legs can be conveniently stored in the table's compartments. This promotes orderliness and teaches children to be organized.

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